
College and Career Counseling

The College and Career Advising Office encourages students to plan for their next steps after ACS.  This includes counseling students to take the most rigorous academic curriculum they can successfully manage, while participating in a wide array of extracurricular activities.  Additionally, students engage in career inventories, personal interest surveys and meeting with professionals.  Our comprehensive advising program assists students and their families as they plan for their post-secondary education and/or activities.  


ACS hosts annually a College Fair where students from all over La Paz can meet with College and University representatives. Our College advisor meets with all grade 8 and High School students in groups. Individual meetings begin in grade 11 or upon request. Throughout the year, meetings are held with students and their parents covering topics related to the college and career planning. 


Cialfo is a college guidance platform used by the best international schools around the world. Cialfo helps counselors manage students, monitor assignments and due dates, schedule meetings, submit documents and transcripts, collaborate with students, parents, and colleagues, and more. The platform handles a range of applications to 25 different countries and allows students to manage the various parts of these different application processes. For the US applications, the platform uses a machine learning algorithm to help students and counselors to identify, reach, target and likely schools, although the counselor has the option to amend and change this recommendation.Students can enter their grades from high school and this data will also be synced from the school’s student information system.

Finally, students can also undertake three different profiling assessments from Human e Sources through Cialfo and these aim to help students understand their own learning styles and personalities better.