
Distance Learning Plan

The goal of ACS distance learning is to ensure learning continues in the event of school disruption and/or closure. A virtual learning environment does not necessarily replicate a traditional school day as per the timetable or student experience. In some cases reliance on distance resources may enhance the learning experience for some learners. Nonetheless, students should be able to independently extend their learning with the direction of the teacher and support of their parents. The Academic Measures (A, B, or C) that ACS will implement are linked to the level of risk the community is facing as described in this rubric

Reopening Planning for ACS in August for the 2020-2021 school year. This link includes information about our thinking and planning for the 2020-2021 school year.

ACS Distance Learning Expectations

ACS Distance Learning Applications

Stay Home/ Quedate en Casa


  • “We are pleasantly surprised by the work that the school is doing. There is a lot of organization behind. The teachers have shown to be aware of our present situation and we can see the progress in our children’s learning. We have no doubts, rather thanking them as we continue with our children’s program during these difficult times.”

  • “We are grateful for the dedication of the ACS team and the ability to adapt in the face of a crisis scenario.”

  • “We appreciate the thoughtfulness that was addressed in facilitating this situation and the flexibility of the staff to be understanding of the needs of the families. Thank you.”

  • “We are very happy with the performance of the school, our children already have an established routine and if we have any questions about an assignment, the teachers are available at that time. I want to take this opportunity to thank them for all the effort and dedication of everything.”

  • “Everything has been great. My child is enjoying the activities and getting on zoom with his teacher. His teacher has gone above and beyond to make sure he does well on his school work.”

  • “Yo como mamá , hoy realmente los admiro aún mucho más, respeto mucho mas, doy todo mi agradecimiento a uds por qué a distancia mi hija ama, respeta más al ACS y a todos uds. No es fácil el manejo, pero la dedicación, el esfuerzo, el empeño y el amor que ponen al realizarlo realmente se siente, se palpa y se vive.”

  • “Es inevitable comparar cuando hablas con amigas q tienen hijos en otros colegios, realmente el Calvert en tecnología está mucho más adelantado. Los profesores comprometidos, tolerantes. Hay q saber reconocer lo q es bueno y lo q no.”

  • “Con relación a las clases estamos muy contentos. Yo considero un privilegio que pueda tener esa calidad de educación en momentos en que todo es tan difícil. Por favor te pido que les transmitas a todos los profes y personal de apoyo nuestro agradecimiento por su esfuerzo.”

  • “Profesores están organizando muy bien y hacen el seguimiento personalizado, muchas gracias por eso.”